Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prayer and Grace

 Last night before going to bed I decided to give the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" another go.  A year ago my sister, Sylvia and a friend, Jane went to see this movie; at that time I just didn't get it.  I love Julia Roberts as an actress, but I just didn't get the movie.  Well, circumstances of my life have changed and I got the movie last night.  Prayer has always been a very important part of my life, and coming to the Lord with my brokenness, tears, anger, joy, gratitude is the relationship I am grateful to have with my Father, my King.  There are several scenes in this movie where I could not stop crying; the scene where Julie Roberts character is praying in such desperation is one of them.  I was brought to my knees over a month ago on a situation in my life, and a decision that I had to make.  I have had great support from my son, my sister and countless friends who were there when I went through this kind of turmoil eight years ago.  I would not have ever believed I would be going through such a knee jerker to my heart again.  God in his infinite wisdom and faithfulness is holding me up and giving me strength to go on and continue to live my life to its fullest.  And I am grateful.

God is very generous with His grace. I am taking my time with changes in my life, especially positive changes.  I am taking God's grace for healing, growing, loving, laughing and just being me again.  I am accepting His grace.

Thank You Father!

Praying scene from "Eat, Pray, Love"

Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...