Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Kicking my leg forward

I am feeling the pressure and pain in my head that usually starts in the evening.  It is not severe that it is a concern, but I do feel pain in my head that is uncomfortable.  I ask the Lord for His hand to be upon my head and throughout my body, but mostly in my head.  The neuro surgeon that had performed both surgeries is an admirable man, his bedside manner is very caring.  I appreciate that the Lord used him to take care of me.  I have one more surgery in the near future, and I pray it will be my last.  I cannot deny that I am a bit anxious, not that I do not trust my surgeon and God's hand guiding the surgeon's hand, but knowing what I have to go through can be very draining.  I am just very tired.  My heart rejoices with hope and the promises God gives his children.  I cling to His promises, not that I am afraid of death because then I would be with the Lord, but I am human and I start thinking the worst case scenario.  I am being a little selfish and I would love to continue living my life with no big issues from my brain or other physical problems because of my surgeries.  I need to be thankful though, the day I was leaving rehabilitation from my first hospitalization there was a young girl who was strapped to a very odd contraption and as I watched her being encourage to kick her legs to try to walk, all I could do was cry for her. This young girl's father was encouraging her to move her leg and kick her leg forward; there was a physical therapist who was sitting behind this girl and he would push her leg out and forward.  I do not know what she went through, but I started praying that God would restore her body.  I still think of her and I pray that she is doing well.  So, for all my whining I am thankful to God for having mercy on me and allowing me to continue with my life and that I can walk, talk, laugh, read, and basically do the things I was able to do before my brain surgery, though I do have limitations for now.  I am encouraged daily by my son, friends and my church.  Yes, I do have pain and it is uncomfortable especially when trying to sleep, but I am thanking the Lord for loving on me and giving those around me who encourage me to not give up because I can kick my leg forward. 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Small Packages

Sometimes help comes in the smallest packages.  Today my dear friend Christine came over after church with lunch and her three babies.  She had purchased minestrone soup and had made homemade fudge brownies, which are unabashedly sinfully delicious.  Throughout my whole medical ordeal I have seen first hand the love that has been poured out to me; I have seen Jesus in action.  Christine and her children pulled weeds and mowed my yard, which is a very therapeutic and wonderful past time for me during the Summer and Fall, but since my aneurysm I am limited to what I can do.  To see two young boys pull weeds and Christine mow the lawn, while her daughter pulled the tall weeds that the mower did not cut; it softened my heart immensely!!  I am so grateful for wonderful friends!!  To see these children give their Sunday afternoon to do yard work, WOW what a blessing!!  Thank you, Christine.  Thank you, J (what a sweetheart), C (don't work, don't eat) and A (the princess), what a blessing you are to me!!!  THANK YOU!!!!


Maggie is happy . . .
 she can now see where she potty's

Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...