Thursday, April 26, 2012

Adios April

April is almost over.  Wow, this year is flying by fast.  I believe that once one is over 30, the years do go by so quickly. I sure do miss the fun I had growing up in the 70's and 80's, two wonderful decades.

Sergio had a birthday this month, he would have been 26 years old.  I like to believe that the Lord celebrates birthday's in heaven too.  My sister came to visit for Easter, interesting visit.  She enjoyed herself, I am sure.  My brother in law and my sister will be coming back in July for a week.  I don't think I will take of any time off.  I need to save my vacation days for MY VACATION.

Taxes were done, last year filing jointly, how strange.  Spring semester will end in a couple of weeks.  I just spent some serious dough having one of my drawings framed professionally.  My drawing teacher wanted his Drawing II students to submit a piece of work for the Student Art Show.  I never had my work framed, but I figured why not, but I think I better learn how to do my own framing and matting.  It can be quite expensive having someone else do the work.  Unfortunately, I was running out of time to do the work myself.  Oh well.

I had a wonderful lunch yesterday with a woman I met in my Drawing Class, she has been a blessing.  That is what I love about school one meets the most interesting people, and I have had the most wonderful teachers.  Maybe the reason I love the classes is that some of the students who are Art Majors like myself are not strange.  Somehow we all fit in.  No, not all art students are wierd, okay, I am.

Well, this post seems a little Picasso.  Enjoy the rest of the week and hold unto your seats because the month of May will be sliding in soon.

My Passion
24 x 30
Lilia A T

*This is not the picture I will be submitting for the Student Art Show.
 I can see where it still needs work.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jubilee on this Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everyone!  Jesus is truly with us always!  It is not about religion, but a relationship with a living God who loves us and wants to save us.  Come to the King of kings and stand before the throne.  Give your heart, mind and body as a living sacrifice and see that it is good.  It is a truly a jubilee.  Hey, if the Lord could love and save a wretch like myself, He can do a wonderous work in you; mind you I am still a work in progress. 

Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...