Tuesday, December 25, 2012


AND IT IS A GLORIOUS CHRISTMAS!!!  Thank you Father for the wonderful gift of your son who came to save us from ourselves and eternal separation.  Father, please give Sergio a kiss and hug from me and please tell him I love him and miss him very much.  Merry Christmas mijo!  Also, a Merry Christmas for my son, Nathaniel.  I am very proud of you mijo and I love the man you are becoming.  Sergio and Nathaniel loved the Rich Mullin's song, "You Gotta Get Up"  So here it goes boys.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Check Box Mrs., Miss or Ms. (No longer Mrs.)

I am officially a divorced woman, as of December 17, 2012 my divorce decree was signed.  I received in the mail a copy of the signed Dissolution of Marriage papers yesterday December 20, 2012. My son was very helpful and reminded me that I have been alone for a very very long time, and I agreed with him; even when my ex was sitting right next to me, I felt alone, very alone.  There were no tears of my failed marriage, no outcries to the Lord, no nothing.  I don't know if that is good or bad thing, maybe my volcanic meltdown will take place when I least expect me, like when the drain is clogged or I find dirty socks behind the dryer, who knows.  Though praying hard to avoid such outburst is something that planning from my part will help.  It was good to talk with friends about this, they saw everything that had happened, they opened their arms to my ex and knew of his addiction, they loved on him as I did, but unfortunately with some reservation on my part.  There was no repentance in my ex's part.  How did I know that, well because he was still distant with me and our son, insecure, arrogant and struggled with anything that had to do with our marriage; it was only when the realization that his addiction was his LOVE, not the Lord, family or friends.  I hope he finds all the happenings his addictions give him, but I know that will only be for a short time. I pray that he gets the help he needs.  A lot needs to happen in my part; right now I am working fulltime, getting my house in some kind of order for the gazzionlith time; taking care of myself, my son and my doggies.  Though I have to admit there is some sadness to this ending especially a marriage; marriages have to be the worst sad endings of all.  I know that everything will be okay because living through all this insanity has helped me to rely totally on the Lord, more so now than ever before.  So, I may not be a Mrs. anymore, but I do not Miss the hurt, lies, secrets, betrayals and carrying the shame from my ex's sin, I don't have to, and I am glad that there is a box to mark off Ms. if I do not want anyone to know if I am married or not, because that would be my secret.


Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...