Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Colorado's Aspen Glow

I love John Denver's song, "Aspen Glow."  It is possibly my favorite Christmas and Winter song. I am so blessed to live in beautiful Colorado; this is my home on this side of heaven.  I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
John Denver, "Aspen Glow"

Monday, December 23, 2013

"And a Merry Christmas to you"

I love this time of year.  My writing will be very limited.  Whew, aren't you the lucky one. I believe I am in Christmas overload. Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!! 







Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One year anniversary

December 17, 2013 was my one year anniversary, from my divorce.  I cannot say that it was not sad, because it was.  Not that I miss my ex-husband, but a whole family was rooted from its foundation.  I cried a little, but I mainly was thinking of how my boys were both affected.  It is so much bullshit to know that someone could be so selfish and not care that they are hurting their "loved ones."  My son and I are healing, it is a process.  Maybe one day my ex will realize the hurt that he caused his family.  I don't hate my ex-husband, I just feel sorry for him.  He had it good, not perfect, but good.  My ex wanted, what he wanted.

You may be asking how I coped with being divorced a year, or maybe you are not asking, but I will tell you.  Prayer, forgiveness, acceptance and going forward.  Every single day.  Now, last year I had purchased a bottle of champagne, only I was going to use the champagne in memory of my wedding anniversary as a divorced woman, but it just did not feel right.  So, last night in honor of my 1st year as a divorced woman I opened my first bottle of champagne.  Yep, I didn't shoot my eye out and didn't give myself a concussion.  After I had my drink of the bubbly I placed my wedding glass in a plastic bag and smashed it against the counter.  It was closure and it was odd seeing the pieces of shattered glass, almost poetic, like a shattered marriage.   



Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do and Say

One should never believe when people say that they are good at this, or they know that, or they are just too wonderful for WORDS.  Words are words, but action, well that is where it's at.  I used to tell my ex husband to never trust someone who spoke highly of themselves, unfortunately he was one of them.  It is interesting when I meet someone and they go on about how they do this and do that, but I watch for the fruit of their words.  No action then it is just cow dung which is flung out into the fields with every empty word that was spoken.  I met someone like that not too long ago, with the exception of my ex; I must be a magnet for scrambled letters in the wind.  This person had the poetry of words and I admit I was almost taken in, but I would stand back and wait to see what they would do.  When I did not respond to this person's expressions of what he claimed he would do, I believe it made him realize that he really was full of crap.

I like to watch, listen, read, feel and know that any person I meet is genuine to themselves first.  It is okay that one is broken in every sense of the way, it is what makes one real.  We live in a world that is so shallow that we miss the beauty of realness; the scars which could be physical or soulful.  We ignore the bruises of life, that when viewed we can still smile and have a wonderful joy. 

I was thinking about the people in my life and I realized something.  The majority of my friends are doers of life.  Genuine real broken people who not only speak their dreams, but pursue them with everything they are and do not stay down for too long in their mire, but rise above it with glory.  I admire and love them so much. I am so blessed. The encouraging words that are shared with my friends are a loving balm to our souls.  The doers of life and not just the flapping of lips. 

So as I type these words for the world to read.  I just want to encourage you to strive for what God has planned in your life.  Because it is the doers who take the chances with their dreams, no matter how insignificant it may be to someone else.  It is a spoken word in your heart and soul that will go out and the designer of our dreams will magnify our words into great things.

Photo taken by Lilia A.
From the spoken word of the Creator of all.

Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...