My home closed on July 28th, 2014. A bitter sweet process of real estate. I stopped by my home for one last time in the morning of closing before going into work. I took pictures with my cell phone and just cried. The memories were overwhelming. My son and I had survived so much of life's challenges, the abandonment of my ex, my oldest son's death, separation and then divorce and an aneurysm. Though my memories were not all so tragic, my son and I laughed and lived in this house. I made it a home. We had our dinner parties, birthday parties, graduation, healing, and Nathaniel's favorite party, the "ghetto party."
I know we will miss our home, but like I said before it has served its purpose for us.
Goodbye my house. Thank you for protecting us from the outside elements. Thank you for allowing us to make your structure a home. I hope that you will hold all our good memories in every crevice of this house. I hope that whoever buys this house will be blessed with very good memories of their own.
Goobye . . .