Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Today is my birthday.  I am now in my prime; whatever that may mean.  I thought I was in my prime 10 years ago.  Whatever . . .

So, being now of the golden age, aha.  I am.  I cannot believe it either.  No I can't.  Yes, I am still cute. :)

My friends and co-workers decorated my desk and cubby.  They will also be having a luncheon for me.  My son's favorite quote right now is from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", "You look so OLD!"  Yeah, I raised him well, the little bastard!

So, with that said.  I will be having cake and ice cream this coming Sunday.  Also, the Bronco's are playing the KC Chiefs.  And yes, my birthday is today.  Now, how could I get myself into some trouble .  .  . unfortunately, I am a bit melancholy.
From my "Big Fat Greek Wedding"

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Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...