Friday, March 27, 2015

Friendship with benefits

Not too long ago I had a "man" tell me that he would like to be friends and we could do things together, but there was a condition.  Because he was a "man" he would want to be intimate at times. A friendship with benefits, WOW, what a concept!!  I remember sitting across from this "man" and thinking to myself, "I have never had anyone offer their friendship with any conditions."  Of course, I did turn him down, and we are not friends. 

Mind you, it would have been nice to have had this "man" as a friend.  I think if the sex part did not play into account, we would have been "great friends."  Then I remembered the movie, "When Harry met Sally."  The conversation where Harry tells Sally that men could never be friends with women, because the sex part would always be an issue.

Anyways . . .

Why am I writing about this, well because when I am doing chores I think about some unusual things that have happened in my life.  It is funny, and I also realized that this "man" had shared with me that he never has sex with his "female friends."  Yeah right . . . . . .  Well, now that I had my chuckle I will get back to my laundry.  Maybe, I will think of something else that has happened in my life.  I could use another chuckle.   : )

"When Harry met Sally"

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Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...