Sunday, March 6, 2016

Saturday Adventure in Guffey, CO

Buffalo roaming in Divide, CO

My friend Geena and I decided to take a road trip yesterday to Guffey, CO.  I was recommended by an acquaintance that there was an interesting cemetery that I should visit.  So our adventure began.  Geena and I enjoyed ourselves!  The town of Guffey is interesting to say the least, and the people are friendly.  Of course, they are not thrilled with people moving into town and changing things up, but who is?!  We saw a lot of interesting things too.  Unfortunately, we never found the cemetery, so another road trip is being scheduled.
Beautiful to photograph, maybe even paint.  Watercolors?!  Hmmmm

Nice TUBS!

Bill, Proprietor of Guffey Garage
Mr. Bill took a shining to my friend, Geena

I think I found a date for next Saturday night.
 I believe the eyes do it for me.  Sexy!

But, this fella might be a little more fun. 
 AUGH!  Decisions! Decisions!


Mr. Bill gave my friend Geena and me these little hearts to remember our visit.  He makes them from scrap metal and stated that he gives them to all the ladies that come and visit the town of Guffey.  Bill was an interesting man and Guffey is an interesting town.  Definitely, going back.  There was a Café that we want to try, their BBQ smelled awesome!

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Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...