Thursday, October 19, 2017

Faith in Country Clubs

There is a young woman who I work with, I will call her, Bree.  Bree's daughter is needing some  major surgery for a large omphalocele, which is a rare defect in the abdomen and leaves the liver and other organ's exposed, so this surgery is not a minor thing.  This little girl is very precious to Bree and this ordeal is taking a toll on this young mother.  Bree and a friend and Bree's daughter will be driving up to Boston tomorrow, it will be a long trip.  I sent a message to the pastor of a church I use to attend in New Jersey.  I was a member of that church for many years and I remember the pastor always saying that Christ is for everyone and as a church we need to help those in need.  I wrote this pastor and asked him if the church could be a sort of safety net for this mother and child.  I explained the circumstances of the child's surgery and let the pastor know that it would be helpful if the mother knew there was a group to help her if she needed it.  It is now Thursday, October the 19th, and I have not received a response.  I sent the message on Thursday, October the 12th.  I am so disappointed.  It is not like the pastor did not have time to respond to my message, he had been using social media to let people know that he would be having oral surgery.  It would have taken only a minute to let me know that they would not be able to help.  Another let down from the church, it is heartbreaking.

Then I remembered a sermon this particular pastor shared about Country Clubs, and how the church should never become a Country Club.  Unfortunately, this church has, and those who do not fit the "Christian" criteria, are not welcomed.  Really?!  That is not the same Lord I follow, and I am grateful that our Lord, Jesus, came to those who were sick and broken.  Not all us live in big homes with white picket fences.  I may sound bitter in this entry, and I just might be, but I believe I am more hurt and disgusted by the leaders of these church's I attended.  Writing this entry reminds me of the hurt when my son Sergio died and no one from the church called, even when we were trying to have his memorial.  And when my ex husband died, not one member from the deacon community reached out, not even the pastor.  Yes, my ex had issues, but his desperation for God was more real than any pastor who jumps around praising God.  A show is just that, a show, but I believe a broken spirit has more value to God. 

So, keep your high laced Country Clubs because my faith serves a God who humbled himself, to die on the cross.  No Country Club will ever hold a light to that LOVE.

Ingrid Michaelson, "Keep Breathing"

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Signing Off

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