Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Floods and Hugh Grant

Last night as I was getting ready to go off to work, which I was actually ahead of time.  I walked over to unplug my cell phone in my bedroom and as I was walking I heard squish, squish, squish.  My bedroom was flooded.  AUGH!!  I called the maintenance office.  Anyways, the water was taken care of last night.  I did get to work and my son called me to inform me that my bedroom was flooded again.  Needless to say the apartment management called the cleaning company, and again they came out and extracted the water, cleaned the carpet and sprayed some kind of mildew preventative.  So, as I am writing this entry I am listening to the massive fan that is in my bedroom drying the carpet. 

I tried not to stress over the situation, not much could be done.  Unfortunately, it will be raining for the next couple of days.  I hope I do not flood again.  The maintenance man grated the landscaping outside my window hoping they would not have water come into my apartment.  Also, I was informed that they were going to install some kind of drainage in all the apartments.

So, with all that said, you are probably wondering where does Hugh Grant come into play in this entry.  Well, I will tell you. I was looking for a movie to cheer me up.  After some searching and realizing I may have watched "Pride and Prejudice" for the millionth time.  I wanted to watch something  I had not watched in a while, and finally picked the movie, "Love Actually."  It was what I needed to see.  I laughed, cried and just had a big smile on my face.  I love Hugh Grant in this movie, and there is a scene in the movie that just had me smiling and giggling because he was just so cute!  If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend it!  Though, I must warn you, this movie is not for the kiddos!  Anyways, I am adding the memorable clip of Mr. Grant to this entry.  I hope it brings a smile to your face too!

Now, as I see the dark clouds coming in the horizon.  I know all will be alright with the rain.  As long as I do not see an arc with two of every kind of animal floating by.  It will all be good, I hope. . . .

Hugh Grant's cutest scene in "Love Actually"
P.S.  If ever I meet a man, I hope he has these kind of moves.  : )  Just saying . . . .

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