Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mr. Stone

 Mr. Stone, after seeing you and kissing you for what would be the last time.  I wish so much good in your life.  I pray for you, for your safety as you continue in your phenomenal adventures.  I pray for your spirit, mind, heart and soul.  It has been a wonderful pleasure knowing you.  Blessings to you Mr. Stone, and I did fall in love with you, and I am so glad that I could!!
David Gates, "Goodbye Girl"

Thursday, September 17, 2015

All things

It is starting to feel like the Fall.  I love the Colorado colors of Autumn, but I must admit I miss the colors of the East Coast, they were amazing!  I decorated my home with my turkeys, foliage and other knick knacks of the Fall.  It feels so cozy and looks quite lovely.  You'll just have to take my word for now.  I will take photos soon and post a few of them, or maybe not.  Depends on how the pictures come out.  Nathaniel is camping with friends, the house is quiet.  I need that for now, I have not been watching television.  I love listening to music, it soothes my heart and soul.  I was driving home earlier after dropping Nathaniel off his friend's home.  I was thinking about so many people that I have cared for.  The silly crushes and heartbreaks of friends that are no longer in my life.  Right now I feel that my life is taking another shift.  I closed my cell phone account.  I am starting to look for another church.  I will be changing my home phone and am closing some email accounts.  I believe it is time for me to go forward with my life, though I have fallen into a bit of a depression.  I don't want to stay there, but I know I need to grieve.  I believe the loss of Cal has finally hit me.

Yeah, it seems about right.  We were raised by our dad to be stoic in all things.  To be like men and think like men.  The thing is, I am a woman, though I appreciate the firm and no bullshit way I was raised by my father, it comes in handy.  I am still a woman.  I am a beautiful emotional mess, and like I shared with my friend, David, last night.  Any woman who claims to have it together is a fucking liar!  No one, and I mean, no one has it together.  We live in a fallen world, so if you are breathing, well, you are a mess!  And that is okay!  I hate how our society deems any kind of emotion as a sign of weakness, well, screw you!  I have listened to that bull shit all my life, and I am tired of it.  You know, if Jesus, wept, became angry, ate, laughed, healed many, slept, felt betrayal, then, why am I supposed to be some super human woman!  Not happening!  So, I will grieve, laugh, become angry, eat lots of chocolate and ask for help when I need it.  I will continue to enjoy my job, love my son and friends!  I will think fondly of Cal, and learn to take photos with his cameras.  I will slowly let the hurt subside.  I will enjoy life and pray for those who are suffering, and I will continue to be grateful in all things!


                                                                                                                                                    Photo by Lilia
                                                              that's all . . . 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Six years

I wrote this letter two months after Sergio had passed away.  Those who knew him and our family knew the struggles we had with him.  Mental illness is probably the most difficult thing a family can go through.  Watching our son suffer was torture for him and us.  We felt very much alone and felt like outcasts.  I know Sergio is in perfection with the Lord, and that is where I draw my strength from, God's promises.  I am glad that God entrusted this soul to me, with all the madness we went through, he was so worth the fight.  Because I am his mother, I thank God for those privileged moments when I saw who my son could have been.  Thank you, Father, thank you for those moments. 

It is two months today, November 10, 2009 that our son Sergio died. I still find it hard to believe that our son is gone.  It doesn’t help to notice that the days go by so fast, as if morning and night melt into each other and become one; no light no darkness, no depth. I suppose we are still in a fog, going through the motions of life.  We try to show our youngest son, Nathaniel, that all will be okay. We know that even though Sergio’s physical presence is gone, one day we will see him in eternity with Our Lord.  That is the hope we believe in; it is in God’s word and His promises are not empty.
The Saturday before Sergio died he talked to his father and told him that he was very thankful for everything we did for him, and for the home we had given him. He was adamant about following Jesus and that he would always be a Christian.  He also shared his dreams of settling down with a good woman and having children, and checking with his father if having children would make us grandparents.
Sergio knew the value of freedom for his mind, soul and body; something many of us take for granted.  Sergio shared his heart with people that no one would bother with, most of us would be afraid to.  He left a legacy of mercy, forgiveness and love.  Sergio was a talented artist, athlete and enjoyed rapping.  Words were his soothing balm; in many of the songs he wrote and sang, Sergio shared his love for God, family and the ideals of a life beyond torment and pain. 
There were some wonderful things shared by Sergio’s friends who loved him dearly; things we did not know about our son.  We want to thank you again for your insights.
I thank God for the privilege of being chosen to be Sergio’s mother.  God knew that I needed this child to build character and strength in me, and to learn to rely more on our Heavenly Father than on myself. 
We are very thankful for family and friends who have held us up in prayer and offered whatever they could do to help, just asking was a blessing, and we are grateful.

In Jesus,

Cal, Lilly and Nathaniel

Daughtry, "Home"
(Sergio sang this song at a talent show they had at the State Hospital he was in.  According to those who heard him sing, his performance was amazing.  He sang from his heart.  The lyrics say it all)

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Piano Guys

A month before Cal passed away, a friend and I had made plans to attend the "Piano Guys" concert at the Red Rocks Amphitheater, in Morrison, CO.  It was a great concert. It turned out to be a distraction I needed.  The amphitheater is definitely a sight to see and experience.  It was just beautiful!!  I am grateful for my friends and their understanding of what I am going through.  The thing that some people do not get is just because I was divorced from my ex, does not mean that what I had shared with him could be discarded.  I had a history with this man, over half my life.  I do have my good days, mostly good days, and that is including the moments of grief.  It is good to grieve, because it makes me realize how much joy I have in my heart too.  So, with that said, I am adding some great photos from Morrison, CO and the Piano Guys concert.




Happy Campers!

Saturday, August 15, 2015


On August 13, 2015 we had Cal's memorial.  It turned out so beautiful.  Nathaniel's church took care of everything, and Nathaniel and I felt so safe and calm.  Nathaniel had made a photo journal to play in the service, it was very touching.  As I was watching the video a flood of emotions just overtook me and all the great memories were just too much for me to handle.  I believe as Nathaniel was choosing the photos for the video, it gave him a sense of healing.  It was beautiful.  It was nice to see our friends and people who loved Cal  offer their support to Nathaniel and me.  I am blessed.

Cal, one day we will see each other again, and all the insanity that we went through will be gone forever.  I am glad I met you, Cal, and thank you for being in my life.  We did have an incredible adventure!   Father, thank you, for helping Nathaniel and me through this time of grieving and healing.  Father, we could not be where we are if you were not in our lives.  Thank you!

March 20,1958 - July 16, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Keep breathing and LIVE

I have done nothing today.  Mostly lounged around like some queen of Sheba.  I did trim my hair, which is a bad thing to do, cut my hair.  Though, I must say I don't do too bad of a job.  Why pay someone my hard earned cash and end up with a hack job.  I will get a decent cut when my hair starts to look like troll hair, wild and unruly.  Yeah, that is the way it goes.  It is a pleasant day today.  It is raining, but ever so lightly.  I just re read a very passionate e mail I sent to someone several days ago.  I said everything I wanted to say, but was never given the chance.  This person talked immensely, and I never could get a word in edgewise.  Almost like my ex husband.  Did I mention that my ex husband passed away?  Yes, he died on July 16, 2015.  It has been somewhat of a roller coaster ride that never ends.  My son, Nathaniel went into shock when I told him.  I had to take him to the ER.  Lately, I have been in constant auto pilot.  I keep wondering if it is a dream or did the man I had known for 30 years and married for 27 really die?  My son and I just saw him about a month in a half ago.  My son, Nathaniel nearly jumped out of a moving vehicle to see his father.  I saw Nathaniel run to his dad and they just hugged each other.  I parked my van and walked over to my ex.  We hugged each so tightly and he was crying.  I knew he was under a lot of stress and did not look well.  I just didn't know it would be the last time I would see him.  My ex struggled with addiction.  I know he is with the Lord, I have no doubt.  I remember walking with a friend that evening after I found out the news.  I was in shock myself.  I remember telling my friend if I would still be considered a divorced woman or a widow.  My friend, David, told me I could be anything I wanted to be.  I told him I just wanted to be me. 

We had Cal cremated, half of  Cal's ashes were shipped to Pennsylvania.  Nathaniel and I are making preparations for a memorial in Colorado.  I do not want to sound callous, but I personally would have just scattered my ex's ashes around Colorado.  It would have been our private moment, but I know my son needs closure, maybe I do too. 

I am so glad that Cal has seen the face of God, and will be with him for eternity.   Cal is now with the great men and women who served God.  He is also with my son, Sergio.  They were close.  Sergio, was more like me and Nathaniel is more like Cal.  I know one day Nathaniel and I will see Cal, Sergio, my mother, Cal Sr., Marylou, Tom and many others.  We will have such a fantastic family reunion.  But, for now I want to be an example for my son and keep breathing and continue to LIVE.

Aaron Zigman, "Prom Night"

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


As I am typing this entry, I can hear children playing outside.  I am feeling a gentle breeze blowing through an opened window, and watching the venetian blinds swaying back and forth.  I can feel my little Piglet (Paige) nudge my leg, to either, give her a dog biscuit, or she has to go out.  I am wondering if I should grab something to eat, but I am not hungry.  My son is at church, he is cooking dinner tonight. I am trying to decide if I should go out tonight, and deliver a graduation gift I have had for over a month.  Maybe, I should continue going through the bags of papers that belonged to my ex husband.  Maybe, I should just rest and sleep awhile.  Maybe, I should let the Lord take the reigns.  Father, please take them.
Rich Mullins, "Hold Me Jesus"

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Katie Girls

I recently purchased the movie, "The Way We Were," with Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford.  This is such a sad heart breaking movie, but I totally get Barbara's character, Katie.  I love how Katie just is.  Her character is not afraid to say and live how she pleases.  Then I watched a clip of "Sex in the City" were Carrie's character stated that there are Katie girls and simple girls.  I started laughing because there are Katie girls and then the other perfect, gleamed women, that I have to say are sometimes boring.  I am so glad that God created me to be a bit of a Katie girl. I believe Katie girls scare men, the men who dare to take a chance with a Katie girl have some big huevos.  So, for those men who were not afraid to tread my way, and that is including my ex husband, Thank You!!  Thank you, for taking that step and not being afraid of this Katie girl!!

The Way We Were, "Your girl is lovely Hubbel."

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

One never knows!

This past week has been an array of driving, eating, hiking and definitely resting.  Last Thursday, my son and my best friend drove up to Boulder, CO.  There is a tea house I have been wanting to go to for a while now.  So, we did.  The place is called, which is just such a quaint place.  The Mexican coffee with chocolate was so good, and over ice, amazing!!  My friend, G, had a mojito, and let's say it was so refreshing.  My son had a berry tea, he just drank it, my son the connoisseur.  Anyways . . .  we also ordered a chocolate cake to share.  I am trying to watch my girly figure, yeah, right!  The cake was good, but it had cayenne in it and you could feel the burn in the back of your throat.  It was served with avocado ice cream, interesting combo.

After leaving the tea house, we decided to drive out to Estes Park.  We visited the Rocky Mountain National Park.  It was my first time visiting this magnificent place.  God is so good to us.  What splendor!!  It is so beautiful!!  The park ranger saw my handicap tag and asked who had the disability, of course, my girlfriend and I pointed to me.  The ranger proceeded to give me a lifetime pass and tag.  I could go to any national park and not pay the entrance fee.  Talk about being blessed.  I almost started crying.  Truly a wonderful blessing!!  So, needless to say this cheeky is visiting more national parks.  Overjoyed!!

We drove through the park and then took a hike around the lake.  It was just a beautiful day and I could not believe I had never visited before.  I have been in Colorado for 15 years now and I am just getting to know this phenomenal state.  I am finding more places to hike.  I am so grateful to live in this state.  I cannot believe it sometimes.  A dream of mine as a teenage girl, comes to fruition.  Now, for that dream man, the God fearing, rugged, kind, smart, cute man who adores me; which will complete my dream.  ha ha   You know, one never knows!


Onward with more adventures! 


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Not the Same

I found the following photo that was taken over two years ago.  I remember when this shot was taken, I was looking out my window from my house and watching the dogs run in the yard.  It was a serene moment and I loved how at peace I felt, even with the chaos that my ex was putting us through.  This is not the same woman, my face has changed a little.  After I had had my surgery, I remember looking in the mirror and crying, first, my face was so bruised and swollen.  Second, I told the nurse that I would not have chosen the eyes that were given to me, I had a little bit of a face lift after my brain surgery.  It is funny now, but at the time I did not look the same, and certainly did not feel the same; as if a small part of me had died.  It has definitely been a process, but God certainly gave me strength to continue.  Sometimes, I wonder why He gave me this life, and then I realize because He gave me gumption!  Yes, a lot has changed in my life.  Good or bad, life is life.  Yes, again, I am not the same physically or in any other way.   I am accepting things in my life that will never be the same and that's okay. . . .
Photo taken August 2012
(Before aneurysms)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

2nd Anniversary

On June 13, 2013 I suffered a brain aneurysm.  As a matter of fact I had two aneurysms, but one was leaking and killing me slowly.  I do not recall feeling any pain while I was coming in an out of consciousness, but I do remember saying some interesting things.  I remember only seeing white when I was out of consciousness and remember bright colors when I came out of surgery.  My son and friends told me that I was a frightful sight, so what is new?!  The thing is this entry is not about how I am here today sharing a story.  I am here today to share how very blessed I am.  How fragile life can be and in an instant a life can vanish.  I am always amazed on the people that inspire me, the survivors of their hardships.  These burdens could be physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual.  But we all have our crosses to carry.  Being a "Believer of Jesus" does not guarantee me a perfect life. Many of us carry the scars of living and continue on this journey of life.  There is a word, "LIVING.  Are we?!  Everyday, I wake up with a fresh blank page. I just have to pick up the pen and continue writing my story, His story.  I am blessed to know people who continue with their journey with the upmost of grace, and that is something I try to emulate from them.  Sometimes, these people are passing through, but their stories of inspiration are there.  Yes, there are some who show signs of giving up.  Believe me, I know how that feels, but I will not.  In the last two years I have experienced things I would never have tried.  I opened my heart and let someone in, with no fear, and I am thankful for this man who came and went from my life.  I have hiked and climbed small hills, but to me they were mountains, and I did it!!  I will purchasing a bicycle soon, no, I am not going to become a spandex wearing bicyclist, not yet. ha ha   Also, I am being inspired with more ideas for more artwork.  I am reaching out to people who I have admired and want to get to know better.  I am not as afraid of taking the chances that I believe I should have taken a long time ago.  In all frankness, I believe I was dead for a long time, and it almost took death to show me life, again.  It would be nice if I could say, that everything is of the upmost, and it is, with all its faults and disappointments, I am enjoying LIFE!!  Glory be to God for his grace and love, and for the inspirations He allows me to see, everyday!  Thank You, Father, Thank You!!!

"I Lived"  One Republic

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Different View, different perspective

Well, after a month of dealing with a damp apartment we finally moved into an upstairs apartment.  I like it, but I do miss the coziness of my ground level hobbit hole.  I felt safe and secure.  I am enjoying my new home too.  I get more sunlight and my bedroom is the main source of heat.   AUGH!!  The dogs wake me up at 6:45 a.m. every morning because it is light outside and they have to do their business.  AUGH!!  I hope I am not sounding ungrateful, because I am not.  My new apartment has wood floors, refurbished bathroom and did I mention it has awesome light.  Moving sucked!! It always does.  My son was phenomenal.  He did so much work and I so appreciate him for taking care of business, he is becoming a man.  I was blessed by a friend who hired a moving company and they moved our bigger furniture.  What a fantastic blessing!!  I will definitely use a moving company for my next move.  Hmmmmmm, Boulder?  Evergreen? Broomfield?  Denver?  Not sure yet.  Need to take my drives and check the areas.  Though, for now I will enjoy the breeze coming through the windows.  I am listening to the birds sing right outside my window as I am typing.  My view has changed, I was able to watch people walk by and cars drive by. Now, I have the view of the garage roof, trees and birds chirping.  I think I can do without the garage roof.  Another chapter, not major, but significant.  Now, to change my attitude a little bit and start creating a home again.

My old familiar hobbit hole window.

I am enjoying this view too.  I hope the birds get
closer to the branches brushing the screen.  Some of these
birds do get close enough, they are intrigued by the music
playing, at times they tilt their heads to listen. 
So much JOY in my heart right now!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Warrior and Piglet

My two dogs have been my greatest gift of unconditional love and companionship.  They have been patient when I am too tired to take them out for their walks. They have been the ones who have sat with me when I was in my darkest hours.  They have nuzzled me when I felt lonely.  They love going out and having adventures with me.  I love that they are so happy to see me when I come home from wherever I may be.  They are beautiful and strong animals.  Both my girls are very protective, especially the larger of the two.  My beautiful warrior and piglet, how I love you, both, so much!!  I am grateful that the Lord led me to you for adoption. I love you my spoiled little brats!!

Paige and Maggie
(My girls, a definite gift from the Lord)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Dia de las Madres

It is the day after Mother's Day, but I believe everyday is Mother's Day.  So I am posting this entry to honor my mother.  My mother was a beautiful woman in every sense of the word.  I miss her very much.  I was 18 years old when she was taken from us.  She died from a brain aneurysm, she was 41 years old.  When someone loses a mother it leaves such an opened wound.  There was so much I would have loved to share with her.  She was an extremely wise woman and spoke to us in proverbs of life.  She was a talented seamstress, crafter, cook, listener, and she had exquisite taste.  My mother was also the neighborhood barber.  She was admired by many people, she was very beautiful, but she didn't see herself that way.  My mother loved current events including politics and wanted to become a nun when she was younger.  My mother was also a talented dancer, too bad I did not inherit that gene, but my younger sister did. 

My mother had a beautiful and compassionate spirit, but she was no fool, and even in her stillness she demanded respect.  I used to love and listen to my mother make her famous flour tortillas, every morning.  That is what would wake me up, was the rolling pin hitting the countertop as she rolled out the dough.  It was a soothing and safe rhythm.  I miss her willing spirit to help those less fortunate, her heart was always so giving.  My mother could make a dollar stretch, and she also was very savvy in saving too.  She taught me when I started to date to carry a 20.00 bill in case I need to call a taxi cab, you know I will continue that practice, if, I decide to date again. 

My mother had a fantastic laugh, I believe I did inherit that from her.  She learned to accept my warped sense of humor and even though she didn't like Monty Python or Benny Hill, I did catch her on occasion watching these shows.  My mother introduced me to Vincente Fernandez and the Beatles.  My mother loved Mexican soap operas, and she also loved the "Guiding Light."  My mother volunteered to help in our school functions and she was a lousy volleyball player,but she tried.  That is another gene I believe I inherited from her, never give up. 

I could go on and on about my mother, she was not perfect, but she believed in excellence.  My mother was very protective of us, but not overbearing.  She allowed my other siblings and me to explore, learn, become who we were to become.  My mother was extremely intelligent and encouraged us to never stop learning, and to enjoy the simplicity of life.  She did not care for the gadgets or lifestyle others wanted to impose on her.  She didn't care about such frivolousness.  I believe I am so much like her in more ways than I realized, and I am honored and glad!

Thank you, Juliana, for being my mom.  Thank you, Father, for giving her to me, if only for a short time.  Happy Mother's Day, MOM!! I love you and miss you everyday.

My beautiful mother, Juliana

Bette Midler, "My Mother's Eyes"

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Floods and Hugh Grant

Last night as I was getting ready to go off to work, which I was actually ahead of time.  I walked over to unplug my cell phone in my bedroom and as I was walking I heard squish, squish, squish.  My bedroom was flooded.  AUGH!!  I called the maintenance office.  Anyways, the water was taken care of last night.  I did get to work and my son called me to inform me that my bedroom was flooded again.  Needless to say the apartment management called the cleaning company, and again they came out and extracted the water, cleaned the carpet and sprayed some kind of mildew preventative.  So, as I am writing this entry I am listening to the massive fan that is in my bedroom drying the carpet. 

I tried not to stress over the situation, not much could be done.  Unfortunately, it will be raining for the next couple of days.  I hope I do not flood again.  The maintenance man grated the landscaping outside my window hoping they would not have water come into my apartment.  Also, I was informed that they were going to install some kind of drainage in all the apartments.

So, with all that said, you are probably wondering where does Hugh Grant come into play in this entry.  Well, I will tell you. I was looking for a movie to cheer me up.  After some searching and realizing I may have watched "Pride and Prejudice" for the millionth time.  I wanted to watch something  I had not watched in a while, and finally picked the movie, "Love Actually."  It was what I needed to see.  I laughed, cried and just had a big smile on my face.  I love Hugh Grant in this movie, and there is a scene in the movie that just had me smiling and giggling because he was just so cute!  If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend it!  Though, I must warn you, this movie is not for the kiddos!  Anyways, I am adding the memorable clip of Mr. Grant to this entry.  I hope it brings a smile to your face too!

Now, as I see the dark clouds coming in the horizon.  I know all will be alright with the rain.  As long as I do not see an arc with two of every kind of animal floating by.  It will all be good, I hope. . . .

Hugh Grant's cutest scene in "Love Actually"
P.S.  If ever I meet a man, I hope he has these kind of moves.  : )  Just saying . . . .

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Rain Dance

Ed Sheeran, "Thinking Out Loud"
What can I say.  First, I love this song and second, I enjoy this video.  A little housework, music and a small frivolous entry.  And why not?!  It is raining outside and I needed a little break.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


The Kentucky Derby, now that would be something to see and experience.  I am not a race horse fanatic, but I do so love to watch these animals race for that monumental win.  There is something about seeing these horses fly by for that one chance of glory.  I think as people we all feel that too.  That one moment in life that makes all the hard work worth while.  Maybe, one day I will have the opportunity to see a live Kentucky Derby race.  And if I never see a live Kentucky Derby I believe that the horses in heaven will not only run like the wind, but fly with it too. Hoping the best for that one horse to grab its glory and the Run for the Roses.
Dan Fogelberg, "Run for the Roses"

11:55 pm

It is 11:55 pm.  I am still winding down from work.  I had a bit of an adventure earlier this morning, I had to go to the ER because of a headache and my blood pressure was sky high.  I did drive myself, but I was scared.  All I could think about was that I did not want another aneurysm.  It was strange being taken care of by the people who one works with, and all I have to say is that these people are top notch!!  Everything did turn out okay, and I had another CT scan of my brain and no aneurysms.  So, needless to say I will be seeing my doctor soon and try to figure out what the heck is going on.  I guess I will have to live with this for the rest of my life.  Unfortunately, I am slowly noticing that I am withdrawing from going forward in my social life, not with my friends, but meeting someone.  I cannot put someone through all the menusha of my brain.  So, I decided to close my dating profile.  I just can't do this, I just don't want to.  Besides, it has forced me to organize my papers and I will be drawing and possibly painting again.  I have to accept the fact that I may not meet someone.  I believe I will be okay with that.  Anyways . . . why is it my entries always turn out to be some kind of relationship thing.  I mean really!!  : )

Anyways . . . I will sign off for now.  I am starting to get sleepy.  I hope you enjoy your Saturday, because the 1st day of May is done and it is now 12:14 am, the 2nd day of May. 

Passenger "Little Lights"

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Head Song

Do you ever just have a song that just replays over and over in your head.  It could be a little maddening.  The last several weeks I have been humming The Raspberries song, "Go all the way."   I mean really.  I am at work and I am just singing this song.  Thank God that everyone at work is busy.  There is really no particular reason why I am singing this particular tune, only that my son has the CD from the "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie.  It you haven't noticed music plays a big part in my life.  Television is really not a option unless it is cooking and do it yourselves shows, but alas I am not a big fan of cooking and I no longer have a house.  So, listening to music is my favorite pastime.  I enjoy listening to the tunes from the 40's to the present.  I am not a fan of rap, but there are SOME tunes I do like. Mind you, I am not familiar with many musicians, but if I hear something I like there goes my research.

Anyways, with that said.  You already know that I will be posting, The Raspberries, "Go All the Way" video.  And why not?!  I might as well share this fantastic tune with you, it may be your song of the week and you may be humming or singing this song wherever you may be!  ENJOY!!

The Raspberries, "Go All the Way"

Monday, April 20, 2015

Just Eggs

This will be an entry in reference to the fact I missed Easter.  I missed chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs, baskets, ham and all the Easter trimmings.  It was strange.  I usually purchase a basket for my son and add other stuff to it, yes, I know he is a young adult now, but I love doing that for him.  I didn't even attend service, actually I cancelled plans I had made with a couple of friends.  I never do that!!  I may have missed the commercial Easter, but I did not miss the Lord calling my heart to receive Him.  I did not miss that he made a sacrifice for the entire world to come to Him and make Him Lord and saviour in our hearts and life.  I did not miss the wonderful blessings that He pours out to all of us, whether we deserve them or not.  I did not miss or will miss His love.  I did not miss that we are all called to come to Him and we are able to go before the throne and be with Him. I am not missing that, now or in the future.  So, as I am writing this entry, I may have missed the little frivolous parts of Easter like coloring eggs, but I know I did not miss the Resurrection!

"Just Eggs"  photo by Lilia

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friendship with benefits

Not too long ago I had a "man" tell me that he would like to be friends and we could do things together, but there was a condition.  Because he was a "man" he would want to be intimate at times. A friendship with benefits, WOW, what a concept!!  I remember sitting across from this "man" and thinking to myself, "I have never had anyone offer their friendship with any conditions."  Of course, I did turn him down, and we are not friends. 

Mind you, it would have been nice to have had this "man" as a friend.  I think if the sex part did not play into account, we would have been "great friends."  Then I remembered the movie, "When Harry met Sally."  The conversation where Harry tells Sally that men could never be friends with women, because the sex part would always be an issue.

Anyways . . .

Why am I writing about this, well because when I am doing chores I think about some unusual things that have happened in my life.  It is funny, and I also realized that this "man" had shared with me that he never has sex with his "female friends."  Yeah right . . . . . .  Well, now that I had my chuckle I will get back to my laundry.  Maybe, I will think of something else that has happened in my life.  I could use another chuckle.   : )

"When Harry met Sally"

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday, to my son Nathaniel!!

You were two years old when I first met you.  We were sitting in a front porch swing after visiting with you for awhile.  You looked up at me and had such a sweet smile, and when you put your little hand over my hand, I was smitten.  You have brought joy into my life and helped me know how it feels to be a mother.  I finally understood about the sacrifices that a parent makes for her children.  Well worth the sacrifices.  Every mother still sees her child as a small vulnerable being, but you are a young man now.  I pray that God will give you favor in your life.  I pray that God will use you greatly.  I give thanks to the Lord for allowing me to have you in my life.  Happy Birthday, Nathaniel!!  Blessing on this day and blessings always.  Love you very much, Mom.

Perry Como, "Catch a Falling Star"


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fast Car

Aside from working nights, I am grateful I can get in my mom mobile and take my drives to wherever.  It is a very therapeutic thing for me to do.  I have found the most unique places and have met some pretty interesting people.  I have found towns that are just too quaint and a coffee shop that makes the best cold mocha coffees.  I have driven to some unknowns only to find another way to get to Denver.  I have driven by or stopped  by old abandoned buildings.  I have watched buffalo graze and run in the plains.  These are the things I have the opportunity to see and enjoy.  Sometimes I am alone, and other times I am accompanied by my son or friends.  I am so ever grateful to experience the simplicity of life.  So ever grateful . . . . Amen. 

Tracy Chapman, "Fast Car"

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Touched so gently

I have been listening to Pink's song, "Glitter in the Air."  I have posted this song and video before, but I have been playing this song quite a bit lately, especially, when I am out for my drives.  The replay button is starting to show some wear and tear.  Anyhow.  There is a line in this song that goes, "have you ever been, touched so gently, you had to cry."  I remember a moment like that.  I was with Mr. Stone; we were holding each other and kissing.  There was a point in that kiss where I felt one with him, as if nothing else in the room was in existence, not even the Christmas music playing in the background.  I do reminisce about Mr. Stone every once in awhile.  It was a somewhat rough day today, and listening to this song did not help matters more.  I am doing well, but I have to admit that I do think about Mr. Stone, we did have a lot of fun!  I miss his energy and how I felt when I was with him.  It was nice.  So, now that I have shared this moment in time with you,  I just might buy a bottle of glitter and experience how that feels.  You know, "Throw a fist full of glitter in the air."

Pink, "Glitter in the Air"

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A little LaMontagne

It is almost 10 pm, and I am getting to bed early.  I start my new job tomorrow.  I am so excited and a little nervous, but I know everything will be okay.  God opened the doors to this job, so I know it will be just fine!  I made hamburgers for dinner tonight, and had a little Sangria.  I also listened to Ray LaMontagne; I love his voice.  It was good to relax today, that is after I cleaned the bathroom, put on a latch and hook in the bathroom, fed the dogs, fish and ourselves.  Yeah, real relaxing. . . but I am able to just sit and do this short entry.  I am also listening to the air ducts blow warm air into our apartment.  I was thanking the Lord for his provision!!  He has never left me hanging and He always comes through on our needs, not wants, but what we really need.  I know I always say I am grateful, and I am, always!!  It has been a rough fourteen years, and God has been faithful!   So, before I go to bed, I want to thank the Lord for His love!
Ray LaMontagne, "I will hold you in my arms"

Friday, February 27, 2015

Breckenridge, CO

Several weeks ago, a couple of my friends and my son drove out to Breckenridge, CO.  Great day with some fantastic people whom I have grown to love and have become family.  The drive to Breckenridge was a little icy, but my friend David is a pro.  It was great to just get out of Colorado Springs, if only for the day.  We ate bologna and tuna fish sandwiches, Breckenridge can be a bit expensive.  We walked around town and stopped in some very trendy shops.  My son found a pair of cowboy boots, yeah, over $300.00.  No way!!   My friends G and David tried out some funky clothes and I found a great pair of boots myself, augh, the price, the price!  ha  The drive back was just as fun.  We were tired, but we had a great time.  These are great memories of time spent with phenomenal people.  Grateful!  Very Grateful!
Yes, David was Dorf.  His legs were in two feet of snow.

Great hat, Nathaniel!

Yes, G you look Gorgeous! 

The Motley Crew
Nathaniel always has to get that one shot.
  He is a very good photographer.
Yes, there is a "South Park, Colorado"

Yeah, yeah . . . .
Yep, that sign says it all.  Kidding G.
Though, we are making plans for our next day getaway.
  Aspen sounds pretty good for the Spring.


Signing Off

I have decided to sign off from my blog. There have been many loses this past year, friends that I loved and miss everyday. So many changes...